Just a Shadow
Screamer's sick, and I'm busy freaking out 'cause we have to get her to a vet and money, what's that? I'm afraid we'll have to put her down, and I just can't deal with it.

Just a Shadow
She's a stray we've been feeding for five years, used to belong to the people down the way but they declawed her and tossed her out to roam.

Just a Shadow
I would've brought her into the house ages ago, but she HATES other cats. I saw her beat on a pit bull once, so even without claws she does okay for herself.

Just a Shadow
I used to know the kid whose mom owned Screamer, and he said she was about 11 years old...3 years ago. So she's getting up there.

Just a Shadow
Uuuuuugh this sucks. I spent a couple hours crying all over my cats, and once I finally calmed down decided to distract myself with Kai's tag. It didn't come out as well as I was trying for.

Just a Shadow
Yeah, I know, not a big deal, but I'd rather worry about my crappy writing than think about losing my cat.