It grows out from our tradition and culture. Which begins with the year 966 N. E. when Poland was baptized, the symbol of the Polish nation to join the Christian world.
The Partitions of Poland between Russia, Prussia and Austria, insurrection, two world wars, communism... It is, therefore faith in hard times supported the spirit of the nation.
This is a time of miracles. And everyone is waiting for the holidays. In Poland, December 24 is Christmas Eve, the day before Christmas. That evening, sit down to dinner called Christmas Eve.
According to tradition, the Christmas table should be in 12 meatless dishes, symbolizing the 12 apostles. The main dish is carp, dumplings with cabbage and mushrooms, beetroot soup.
Under the cloth should be hay, symbolizing the birth of Jesus in the stable.Before eating, the family prays, and is divided into the communion wafer, making a wish. After that it is possible to start eating.
Next day ie December 25 or Christmas, and December 26 called the second day of Christmas. In Poland are non-working days. On these days, usually family and friends visit each other... So it looks at a glance...