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inquiry | In honor of the game gathering 100+ characters, I was thinking possibly an AC Bonus Round in celebration? Yes/No/Maybe?
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For those of you who weren't here for the last round we did, an AC Bonus Round is a challenge to start/build on a specific kind of CR. I try to make it something that pushes players out to try new CR with
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new people, but it may or may not always work out that way.
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Anyways, rewards for completing the challenge is double the debt a character has already worked off for the month, as well as being put into a pool for a solo-possibly metaplot related mission.
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We had one in April, but I wanted to see if that was something people are still interested in/want to try again/didn't work out so well for them kind of thing.
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If people are interested, I will puzzle out a theme and write it up when I get home.
one smoke show®
Personally, I like the idea of the challenge but the reward of debt removed for some isn't really a reward? If you're against high numbers that doesn't do much for incentive.
Y pls
ғᴏʟᴋ ʙᴀʀᴅ
one smoke show® : Point. Maybe there could be a small item from home to go with it?
one smoke show®
Item from home - or just an item. Since some characters are difficult to sort that out.
ғᴏʟᴋ ʙᴀʀᴅ
nami_swan: Yes, but not everyone who participates will get that. So adding a little something extra like a gift from an agent could help participation.
ғᴏʟᴋ ʙᴀʀᴅ
one smoke show® : Noted! I still have to figure out what the theme we'll be, so we'll see what happens.
I like the item idea
one smoke show®
And yes plot involvement is fine for those that have time for it or want that, but not everyone wants that sort of piece of the game.
frantic banjos
Yeah, my char obviously does not care about debt, but items or metaplot things would be neat and it sounds like a fun concept regardless of reward
ғᴏʟᴋ ʙᴀʀᴅ
Yeah, this is all OOC.
I love love love the idea of a challenge even without reward. So, yes please!
ғᴏʟᴋ ʙᴀʀᴅ
nami_swan: I was thinking something like that, actually! Where they'll have to track it down somehow.
Heheh. I never cared about debt reduction before, not until I had a muse with low debt. No solving debt quicker! I love the item idea, and hunting things down though
i can fight a challenge (gym)
mikaelson ♛
Yes to AC Bonus. No to debt reduction. I like the other ideas better.
y i am indifferent to debt reduction. i don't need a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow, but i'll take one!
ғᴏʟᴋ ʙᴀʀᴅ
Boopert : Not both?
mikaelson ♛
And yeah, debt reduction doesn't appeal to me much, or my characters, since my lowest character debt is still over 1000 years <.<
Well, given the amount of debt some of the people Bonnie loves have...she's probably going to be looking for ways to up her debt instead of lowering it? I mean I guess you could still, but then she would
try harder...
ғᴏʟᴋ ʙᴀʀᴅ
Boopert : ... why would she do that? They're not going to force her to leave when she hits zero.
...oh. See, that wasn't super clear.
Okay, I got it.
But still...don't really care about debt that much?
ғᴏʟᴋ ʙᴀʀᴅ
/nods gotcha.
ғᴏʟᴋ ʙᴀʀᴅ
I still may include it anyway, but add on other stuff too.
Yeah, debt is just...why they're there. If there's not more to it, it's not that motivating.