Rod Humble on the future of Second Life: "The era of the customer-driven economy is going to come of age, and that's a broader principle beyond just Second Life. We are focused on it across a range of products"
Actually, in the first article, they shift to Hamlet, and I think the comment about writing and visiting comes from him, doesn't it? As does all the stuff about Occulus Rift and Google Glass
This worries me... Q: "What do you think Second Life has done right?" A: "Coming up with a brilliant (if unsustainable) revenue model." So the CEO operates under the belief that they cannot keep this going?
I find it a little dispriting that Hamlet's views have been quoted in prallel with Rod's and in a way that confuses the two. ]I think there's a case to be made that the land model is unsustainable but,
on the other hand, you could argue that most services of the internet are supported wither by the selling of advertising or by the provision of server space. And that is what we are renting in SL, just as
yes I had to read it twice to catch where they switched interviews... also since "Zynga" was Au's alternate revenue model I'm not sure he knows what sustainable means.
Q: "What do you think Second Life has done right?"
A: "Coming up with a brilliant (if unsustainable) revenue model."
So the CEO operates under the belief that they cannot keep this going?