go rimbaud
oh man
Be Maki-Mine 💘
I'm on it
Be Maki-Mine 💘
The title is "I don't care if we can win"
go rimbaud
i might be disappointed if it's not a dirty harry joke
Be Maki-Mine 💘
If you mean about bullet counting
Be Maki-Mine 💘
No it's not a dirty harry joke
go rimbaud
he only had one gun anyway
Be Maki-Mine 💘
The first panel is roughly "You have a gun there." "Yes, I was carrying it."
Be Maki-Mine 💘
And then he's wondering roughly "...where had she put it?" like did she have it in her pocket or what
go rimbaud
so it's basically like just a comic about him wondering where she got the gun?
go rimbaud
that's a little weird, considering how the scene actually went
go rimbaud
i was hoping it would be funny :c
go rimbaud
the table in the middleground of the first panel, he left the gun there specifically for her to take and maybe shoot him
go rimbaud
go rimbaud
of course, then you have to wonder why he's counting on a blind woman being any good with a gun anyway
oh you found that post huh
go rimbaud
yeah i found that post
go rimbaud
i found more images of physis under tumblr's keith anyan than i did under the physis tag
go rimbaud
as well as like everyone i know who does terra
Be Maki-Mine 💘
I'm not gonna lie that is a heavily senioritis-affected translation
go rimbaud
how much that means depends on how likely it would be to have missed the comic's overall meaning
Be Maki-Mine 💘
Be Maki-Mine 💘
Be Maki-Mine 💘
Yeah senioritis was just "I'm not gonna look up these special forces or security words"