Ceejay Writer
Very Bad Poetry website is DOWN. How can we live without horrible poetry? (And that's where MY bad poetry lives.
Ceejay Writer
Do enjoy their maintenance message, though.
Bad Poetry is down, Ceejay tears her gown. Her world is rent asunder, her head so full of thunder. Here's my attempt to cheer, if it fails, go have a beer!
Ceejay Writer
When the site is back you should post your poem!
Ceejay Writer
In the meantime, enjoy! www.reddit.com/r/vogonpoetrycircle/
That one site which gave so much pleasure to her hectic day now slips from her grasp like boiled noodles in a baseball glove.
Garnet Psaltery
: What interesting pastimes you have.
Garnet Psaltery
that Dick_McDickerson someone we know?
Magda K
: snorts