[RP] Question of the day, 30 DAY CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT part 23: Is your character superstitious?
boop snoot riot
Superstitions are kind of life and death for Danny :B
boop snoot riot
I mean... ghosts xD
boop snoot riot
Tenzin is spiritual, and I'm sure there are plenty of superstitions tied up in his beliefs
boop snoot riot
Offerings for spirits to appease them, probably has a shrine to Aang somewhere in his memory...
Lady Stardust
Yes and no? Iris is too experienced with the realities behind superstitions to discount them
Yeah, it's a bit of a tricky question given all these different supernatural realities
Lady Stardust
and also with the psychology behind them, and the cultural reasons for people having those superstitions
Lady Stardust
she doesn't believe ANYTHING uncritically, but she doesn't discount anything just because she doesn't know how it works.
John Crichton is mildly superstitious. He believes in luck, especially bad luck. He's been on the wrong side of it too many times not to.
Sᴏ Bᴀʀᴅᴄᴏʀᴇ
It depends what you mean by "superstitious" - mark no, bea in some cases, crowley yes (because naturally he understands the mechanics behind such things)
Number 6 I think not at all. He believes in logic and reason.
Nott isn't superstitious, he'll walk under ladders and watch other people wince over it. XD
Come to think of it, Crichton might be superstitious about his gun 'Winona.' He hates going into battle without that one specifically.
He seems to be able to tell it apart form all the other supposedly identical pulse pistols.
Narvin is downright hostile to the idea of superstition because culturally it has Dark TImes associations from when Gallifrey was pretty evil. So in his traditional Time Lord mind, superstition and religion =
bad. Skepticism and rationality = good.
Except for where it comes to traditional rituals. Those just are, and because they're traditional, they're okay.
But all in all he's of the "There's a rational explanation for everything, even if I don't know what it is yet" philosophy.
Dylan is not very superstitious, but he does kind of believe in things like Fate with a capital F. In his day to day life he mostly focuses on what's tangible, but if asked he say that he does believe that
there are powerful and mysterious forces in the universe (and one of them is on his ship) and although Fate isn't absolute, it does play a role in people's lives.
Babs is basically with Iris because her world is weird as fuck, but she won't just accept things unexamined.
Jean...has little things probably? Knock on wood, throw salt over your shoulder, stuff like that.
She knows there's a lot to the world she doesn't know, and she figures it can't hurt.
lol Jesse is definitely superstitious except he pretends he isn't
(She loves black cats though.)
Felix is canonically also slightly more superstitious/religious (because those are the same to him >> ) than he pretends to be but only because that shit is kind of actually real sometimes in his canon
o bsg
LOL that's pretty much explicitly his logic
he's like "I'm not a believer, like, at all, but this pretty much actually happened sooo..."
obviously the line in canon is more graceful than that