[vent...?] I'm just going to make a little note to myself right here before I go to sleep.
I am going to make this note now because I'm afraid that I might forget in the morning and I feel like this is something that I should ask about when I'm more awake and coherent.
Getting really depressed over roleplaying in general is not normal and not healthy. Looking at plans and getting depressed is not normal.
Putting myself down because of this is not healthy at all either, especially since I haven't even tried to reach out to anyone. I should not be feeling this way.
I am very disappointed in myself for feeling this way. This is not how someone normal thinks.
Hm. I thought that I was less depressed than how I was before, but now it kind of looks...about the same.
I might just be really tired. Despite thinking that I have done nothing productive today, I have actually done a ton of productive things today.
I think I just feel this way because of what I've been doing today, I haven't talked to a lot of people. I need to be more social. People that are normal talk a lot to other people every day.
I need to be more social.
I need to be more social, but right now I need sleep even more. Good night, and I'm very sorry for venting on about this.