全沒數據,就這樣寫:以地震測試為例 pp.5~11"The stress test independent review was performed on the basis of the information made available by AEC and TPC. " 就寫原能會和台北市給的資料...什麼資料?又看不到
然後地震的結論其實是被打槍的:p.11 "From the discussions with TPC it was not clear to the independent expert whether there were sufficient tectonic arguments to use the countrywide seismic values."...
同一段的稍前幾行 "Using similarity arguments higher values may be suggested (e.g., the Alaska earthquake of 1964, the Chile earthquake of 1960, the Aceh earthquake of 2004 and the Tohoku earthquake of 2011)...
...All these events would indicate a value equal to or over 9.0 (based on similarity arguments)." 意思就是怎麼可以只用台灣發生過的地震規模,建議把整個環太平洋區更大的地震拿來模擬,比如說之前發生的 規模大於9 的地震 這表示之前原能會的測試都只是用規模較小的地震來粉飾太平啊
1. 原文在此,大家自己看是不是有那麼蠢
更蠢2.出錢買報告的單位應該是"行政院原子能委員會",怎會變成" Chinese Taipei Atomic Energy Council" 了?
3. 沒有數據 、連名詞解釋總頁數只有34頁的報告,竟然要460萬?!
whether there were sufficient tectonic arguments to use the countrywide seismic values."...
Chile earthquake of 1960, the Aceh earthquake of 2004 and the Tohoku earthquake of 2011)...
意思就是怎麼可以只用台灣發生過的地震規模,建議把整個環太平洋區更大的地震拿來模擬,比如說之前發生的 規模大於9 的地震