[watches] Doctor Who and squeals in an undignified fashion at the next-episode preview.
Garnet Psaltery
Not sure where you are in the series
[smirks] Current.
Garnet Psaltery
Have to go and watch it again now
Oh,No.Not Her
Ah, yes - favorite characters showing up!
Garnet Psaltery
Ooooo! feels excitement
Garnet Psaltery
I didn't see the trailer as I haven't got a telly and have to catch up. Weekend's been ridiculous.
Oh,No.Not Her
Just re-watched Pyramids of Mars as the example of Tom Baker's Doctor, with Sarah Jane.
"Don't need to be blamed for another fire..."
I haven't watched any of this season.
Garnet Psaltery
Tanarian : GG's up!!!
I'm still not current. How do you watch the current episodes?
without cable TV, I mean.
I couldn't remember what the preview was. Here's a link with the info - www.hypable.com/2013/04/27/doctor-who-preview-the-crimson-horror/
sneaky, Myfi.
Miss Qwis , the comments aren't as objectionable as comments usually are, but they do seem whiny.
Oh. I didn't bother to read... I was merely happy to have a video and a few snippets of background info.
I really wish he'd find somebody he could trust to spin off Vastra & Co. to. We neeeeed it.
Just imagine - it could be the first successful (hopefully) steampunk show since, what, Wild Wild West? At least until Lantern City gets settled in. (Jules Verne was terrific, but not wholly successful.)
I would watch that show.
Oh,No.Not Her
yes, Paternoster Row could make for a good show.
If Torchwood worked, I don't see why another one couldn't too.
Oh,No.Not Her
Add Sarah Jane Adventures to the list. It was executive non-imagination that kept K-9 and Company from launching, I think.
Good point.
A Grinning DM
Tanarian : except Torchwood didn't work. :-P
Um, three series of episodes, an American contract and the fourth is only on hold because of the creator's time constraints? How is that "didn't work"?