sandal phone
Pffft anon you're the best!
sandal phone
*Shizuo and Serra (outspoken) also looks like a potential winner.*
sandal phone
sandal phone
quite the taste there, anon
sandal phone
thanks again, anon! whoever you are!
sandal phone
alibaba x kougyoku tho
oh my gosh these anons...
sandal phone
ikr, hollyheights is the most well-received game i've ever seen and joined in the public eyes
sandal phone
alibaba/kougyoku is not happening anytime soon, tho... knowing how much of a loser they both are
kougyoku is falling for inigo too omg make her stop but i also ship minako/inigo screams
i love holly heights so much...
sandal phone
...i should really put Alibaba to learn under Inigo
sandal phone
how to be popular 101
no that's a bad idea
so you should obviously do it
moved → @eski
owain would dub alibaba and inigo forever alone
sandal phone
uwoooh why is he surrounded by cool people
sandal phone
moved → @eski
eternal chastity and forever alone yes
moved → @eski
sandal phone
don't forget the best one
sandal phone
moved → @eski
noire would manhandle him but he seems to have a problem with having an arrow pointed at him all of the time (gaha)