Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Jesus christ. I talked about Hotel Dusk for an overwhelming hour and passed out so god damn hard. Oof.
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Now I get to spend the hour telling my body how to function through medication before I finally wake up a bit.
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Still swollen but the neck has less pressure thanks to less glue.
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Still some left on the side of my neck, though.
Less pressure is good! I bet that helps a lot ;;
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
It does make me feel less like shit when I wake up!
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
I just wish the inside wasn't still fat so I could swallow easier.
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
I think the only real issue for me now is the back of my neck is killing me cause I can't crack it.
Uuuugh 8<
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
It'll be alright owo I'm just whining a bit
/snugs ;; you've got every right to, it must suck 8C
it sounds like it's getting better every day, though <3 honestly you're handling this so well
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
I am, and ty ;w; soon I'll be in top shape.
You're kicking this thing's butt >Db god I would be such a miserable little mess if it was me
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
thanks guys