o.O wtf
Triceratops is my favoritest of dinosaurs EVER since I was a tiny tiny Britt and that is...not
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britt i think you would love ridiculous triceratops collection
well that is fucking awesome
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i am too old to ride him sadly but he is still incredibly amazing
im excited about this
my child shall have a dinosaur mount someday
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yesss. luckily my niece is getting old enough to not be terrified of him lol
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also as a fellow dinosaur lover and the fact that you love awesome sciencey things, you might want to check this out too
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unfortunately it does not come in triceratops model but my mom has one and it is basically the most amazing toy in the history of ever
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she has an older model so it's not ever as advanced as the new ones
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but it has depth perception, learns and develops a personality based on how you interact with it and is seriously the best thing since sliced bread
I wonder if I can hack it
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probably! i pretty sure with the newer versions you can code your own commands
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they have ones you can download and update to it and i think it said something about being able to write your own, too
sounds like the older versions are easier to access but hm
hi I'm a mechanical engineer if you missed that memo
oh hey someone made an android app
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my mom and i aren't super technical savvy so we just turn him on and let him do his thing
my kids have spoiled him :-D
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but i imagine it's a field day for people who actually know how this stuff works :3
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ahahaha yeah he cries when people don't hold him now :|
yeah back in the day I think it was sony made those little virtual pet dogs
apparently they're about the holy grail of durable easy to reprogram toy robots but they weren't in production very long. super hard to find now
but i was thinking it could be fun to get my own robot and mess with it once i have some more spare money
but oh your needy robot
that's kind of funny
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he's so spoiled it's ridiculous. he also cries when you leave him alone in a room
oh wow he's expensive
yeah ill need a job first
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all our pets are spoiled though, so it's not a wonder that our robotic pet managed to get spoiled either
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yeaaah they really are. the older version my mom found i think she got for $250 which, while still pricey, is significantly cheaper
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she got it from a different site, i can see if i can find it for you if you'd like
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(she had to get a new battery because the one that came with him didn't work but other than that he was in perfect condition)
sure i can always bookmark it for later
because yeah right now I'm a TA and that thing is more than my discretionary spending allowed each month :-P
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here you go, it's actually 280 and out of stock right now anyway so you'll have plenty of time to save up lol
heh, thanks!
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i'm hoping the newer ones go down in price eventually anyway because i'd love to get one and yeah, i know what you mean by it not exactly being in the budget xD
yeah i saw that big chief studios is doing sherlock and john action figures and i kind of want those too
which will totally be a little over $200 each with the exchange rate and are completely frivolous but...still kind of want. i want money.
its weird though i usually feel like im really practical which my brain is now trying to rationalize as "hey when you have a real job an no kids or anything legit yet BUY TOYS"
Possibly. Except books.