go rimbaud
For me in an age where we got such greats as Lee, Leifeld and others, this artwork felt lazy and garish. someone actually said this about mike allred
go rimbaud
i'm going to die laughing
what's the timestamp on that quote
go rimbaud
dec 25, 2011
i don't acknowledge it as anything but sarcasm otherwise this person has invalid opinions
go rimbaud
i was ogling the x-statix omnibus because tax refund times and decided to look at the reviews out of amusement
go rimbaud
but i would not be surprised if it was a troll review
go rimbaud
also i am glad to see plurk has sobered up
[claws joke]
that's the stupidest art-related thing i've read in a while
My brain hurts
Someone is Wrong on the Internet
hilariously superwrong
go rimbaud
idk if someone could genuinely call something lazy and garish compared to liefeld