Hey J-J-Jayded
Oh, LotR fanfiction. I forgot how crazy lame you were. Case in point:
Hey J-J-Jayded
Lady Elrilmalia, sister of both Faramir and Boromir rides to Osgiliath, walks through the seemingly deserted city and stumbles upon the weaponless Nazgul leader, the Witch King of Angmar.
Hey J-J-Jayded
Will the Wtich King find the hidden side of his once human self or will all fail and fall to ruin with their meeting? Read to find out more.
Hey J-J-Jayded
(Spoiler warning: if they knew anything about the canon, the answer to that question is NO.)
Answer: and then they bang.
Hey J-J-Jayded
Which makes me sad.
For my sanity, I have sectioned off the part of my brain that knows LotR fanfiction exists from the part that enjoys LotR.
It's better that way
Hey J-J-Jayded
This is true. I just kind of left the fandom behind and forgot the fanfiction that way.
Hey J-J-Jayded
But I managed to find one decent thing in my scouring so I think I've succeeded.
Hey J-J-Jayded
(P.S. It is this and an AU but I don't care, the writing is decent and that'd the important part.)
Hey J-J-Jayded
I was actually pretty proud that someone wrote good LotR fic. The only problem is that they didn't finish it.
I have written all of one LotR fic, years ago and I cringe to reread it, because it's hard to get the feel of the writing down properly.
But it's got a fair amount of praise so I'd feel bad just taking it down.
Even if it's only 20 people, they liked it, so I'll let them like it and not revisit it myself. :-P
Hey J-J-Jayded
Sounds about like every fanfic I published. Boy was the writing terrible, but somebody liked it so I'll let them have it.:-D
Hey J-J-Jayded