[Borderlands] "Come ride it, donkey." . . . What the hell were you thinking Mordecai? That is the worst insult/battlecry ever.
P.S. - As ridiculous as the books (or at least Unconquered) are, they're still better than the Borderlands comics imo.
So far out of the three I can do without two of them completely because they're stupid and... idk. Don't fit the personalities of the characters to me.
Even if the novel was horrible it was still amusing - and the characters were in character.
They tried a bit too hard to make thinks mysterious and bad for them in the comics. And it just doesn't fit.
Roland's does, and it can fit into the other non-game canon as well as the game so that one was fine. But the other two were just lame.
I was disappointed. I wanted more insight into Mordy and...nothing. Bah.
Just got the fourth comic about Brick and... huh. wow. Not sure what to think of it really.
On the one hand, still tried too hard. On the other... that story is kinda ...cute I think might be the closest I can manage.
It's interesting, I'll give it that. Story behind how he got his dog.