Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
Man I need to buy a buttload of bubble wrap and yes before anyone asks that is a legitimate measurement
i prefer to make bulk purchases is Metric Assloads
just me personally
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
Oh yes well I suppose a metric assload of bubble wrap might do more for me in the way of protective bubbly goodness than a single buttload
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
That is certainly something to think on
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
Just make sure you use it as intended: to wrap your valuable knickknacks and not as an afternoon's worth of entertainment. /speaks from experience.
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
Yes, that's a worry...
fuck that. POP THEM ALL
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
I'll be sure to use it wisely!! =A=b
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
But Pan what will I wrap stuff with!!! I'll pop it all once the trip is over ok
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
ksgjkdsg or you could do what Pan says.
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
I'm sure purikura would have no objections in helping me on this mission
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
You guys are all terrible influences
soooo Daine is helping you popping some stuff, huh?
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
uwu <3
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
I can't believe you didn't see that coming the minute Pan came into this plurk.
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ
I... Really should have, huh.....
Ⴆαɾ∂iς​ iηѕρσ