Worst God
Nearly two years in Ads... I really need to decide about this one thing.
Worst God
It hasn't been much of an issue because he usually wears his gloves. But he is getting more relaxed.
Worst God
There are good arguments both for and against Sephiroth having a number.
Angry Popoto
Ohhh... Yes. I've also heard good arguments either way, but it makes sense to me that it was the clones that were numbered.
Angry Popoto
After all, Sephiroth's the original, and I doubt Hojo would have planned on him dying and thus needing to make all those clones.
Angry Popoto
...on the other hand, there's something kinda hot about it. >.>
Worst God
Angry Popoto
Whaaaat? I just sorta-kinda have a markings kink.
Worst God
Hotness aside, iirc, Hojo had a tendency to number his non-clone experiments, too.
Angry Popoto
ahh, true. Nanaki.
Worst God
Right, and the critter in the safe at Nibelheim was called 'Lost Number'. I think that thing Hojo sets on you when you rescue Aerith and Nanaki was a numbered specimen, too.
Angry Popoto
Hmm, that I don't remember. It's mostly just the clones that are distinctive in their numbers, if only because they're somewhat sequential.
Worst God
Yeah, plus they actually go a little out of their way to emphasize the numbers with the clones. Probably to add pathos when Cloud begs Hojo for a number.
Angry Popoto
Yep. Which works, too. >.> But yes, there's a high likelihood that Hojo numbers other experiments, too.
Evil King Ammy
Well, Hojo is prideful enough to sign his work...maybe instead ofa number there's just a signature
Worst God
So yeah, I have that on one side and the 'no need for clones until after he died' thing on the other so I haven't been sure what to go with.
Worst God
Oh god, no. Sephiroth would have carved that out with a KNIFE long ago. A number he could ignore.
Angry Popoto
...I can imagine something like...a barcode...
Angry Popoto
or a serial number
Angry Popoto
or maybe even simply an S, for Specimen/Project S?
Worst God
I can see Hojo being the kind of twit to 'save' the number 1 for whatever he felt was his greatest work.
Angry Popoto
ahh, true
Angry Popoto
...gah, I just got the mental image of Hojo acting like a schoolgirl with a crush and being all, "You're my #1! <333"
Evil King Ammy
Angry Popoto
/goes looking for brain bleach
E.S. Levi
Angry Popoto
Thank you
E.S. Levi
Worst God
/steals some, urgh
Angry Popoto
Worst God
Reasoning can go either way. Votes, plz. Y/N/Maybe so?
Angry Popoto
>.> Y
E.S. Levi
Worst God
Barring a sudden avalanche of N, it's looking Y. In which case, a 1 marked on the inside of his right forearm.