Rebecca L-S
grimaces Well, it's open, and a couple of the snippets I've written over the past few weeks are plugged in, but I still have no idea how to pull this 1000 word story for Uni together.
Rebecca L-S
I kind of know what I want the story to say, but I'm not sure how to say it. There needs to be some kind of plot going on.
Rebecca L-S
Oh... An idea, kind of Avant-Garde. I could have the story told in snippets of her life. Still, there needs to be some kind of arc going on. ponders
Rebecca L-S
Ok, got about half of the words I need, thrown some conflict together, got four characters introduced. Still not real sense of plot or story arc.
Despil です
Make it surrealistic Avant-Garde, then you can skip the plot and the arc?
Despil です
call it post-confusian avant-garde, and you created a new style.
Rebecca L-S
lol I like it
Despil です
Rebecca L-S
Still, many, many hours later I've scraped something together. I hope it has some sort of arc and plot and streamline. I did go with that snippets idea, it seems to work.
Rebecca L-S
I'm not sure if I'm ready to share it with
yet, because it's memoirish (fictionalised autobiography).
Rebecca L-S
Still, I need a pre-reader and she's always my first port of call.
Now you've got me interest.
Rebecca L-S
Will give it a once over in the morning then print a copy for you.