(300AD) The small boy is running in the fields, out of curiousity. He vaguely remembers being told by Roma that he was Lusitânia, one half of Iberia, but... Who was the rest, then? He was searching.
rolling around in the tall grass, laughing softly to himself as he sits up and pounces back into the sea of green, so happy to just play here all day.
pauses at the strange kid, approaching him carefully. "Oi! What are you?" He shouts from a distance.
pauses, poking his head out from the tall grass, looking like a spooked rabbit. What was that? Upon spotting the other child, he ducks and runs for it.
blinks, then chases after the child. "Wait!" He shouts again, hoping that the kid would understand Latin.
stops, looking over his shoulder before he hurries to hide behind a large tree. As if the other hadn't seen him. He presses his bare back against the rough bark, listening.
pauses, watching the other with curiousity. «I was told... I was a part of Iberia... But I want to find the rest!» he explains, gesturing a bit as he hides his wooden sword. «I'm Lusitânia!»
peeks out from behind the tree at him, green eyes wide and curious. "Lusitania..." He says softly, testing the name on his tongue. He smiles a shy little smile before stepping out from behind the tree.
jumps when he gets a good look at the boy -- they look identical, pretty much, except Gabriel's hair is longer and his eyes are blue. «So... you speak my tongue?»
smiles, walking closer to him. Wow~ He was really pretty. "Mhm!" He said, nodding his head quickly as he drew closer.
takes a step back, scared out. «Then what is your name?» he questions again, making random gestures to see if the other was not a monster.
flashes the slightly taller boy a huge grin. "Hispania!" He cheers, throwing his arms up in the air excitedly. It felt nice to speak his name to someone.
approaches him carefully, walking around the little boy. «Hispania...» He repeats, the name coming out easily. Still, he wonders why they look alike so much, and he pokes the boy to see if he's real.
wriggles a little, laughing before he pounces on the other, tackling him to the ground because he figures they're playing a game. "Yes." He says, grinning down at him.
squirms and covers his face. «Monster!» he shouts, scaredly, peeking up at the other. «Why are we so alike?»
blinks. Monster? "I don't know." He says, poking the other's cheek, puffing out his own cheeks. "I'm not a monster!" He pouts at him. "Are /you/ a monster?"
puffs his own cheeks back. "Mama Iberia told me I am a boy!" He whines. "You're the monster, trying to pass as myself!"
gasps sharply. "Papa Roma says I'm a boy, too. And I don't look like you at all." Lusitania was too pretty. Hmph. BT
blinks. "You're... Papa Roma is my papa, not yours!" He pouts, looking up curiously at the other. "You do look like me..."
stares at him, eyes wide. "He is my papa..." He pouts, looking incredibly insulted. "You look like you." He mumbled.
blinks. «He... is our papa?» he mumbles, then pokes the other's cheek again. «I do, but you look like me too. Except your eyes are green and pretty.» he smiles a bit.
they might be brothers then. Wow. He smiles back, looking sheepish as he looks away. No one had ever thought he was pretty.
laughs at the realisation that they're brothers, smiling widely at him even thought he doesn't know why the other looked so sheepish.
just... shy. He's never had a brother. "What do brothers do?"
shrugs. "No idea... Do you want to play?" He offers, sprawled in the grass. "I like swimming a lot."
nods quickly. "Yes! Let's go swimming!"
stands up with a wide grin, grabbing the other by the hand and their fingers as he runs.
follows him, holding on tightly to his hand as he laughs. This was going to be fun! x3
runs across the fields, laughing back loudly as he heads to a nearby river.
s excited. "Do you know how to swim properly?" He could float! But he was a really slow swimmer.
grins, nodding. "Yes! I can swim and fish, brother!" He adds proudly, pausing next to the river. "In my lands, you can always see the sea!"
that's so wonderful! He wants to fish. He had trouble catching fish himself. Hmph! "I want to see your lands."
blushes a little - not many travelled to his land. "Then I'll take you there!" He laughs, wandering off and then running quickly.
blinks. What? "Wait!" He runs after him, a little scared that he'll leave him behind and alone again.
running fast, excitedly, but he stills looks back now and then to make sure Hispania is following him.
only a few feet behind him, grinning every time that Lusitania looks to him. "How far!?" He calls to him.
shakes his head. "Not much!" He shouts, but they still run for a good while before he pauses by the shore, in a fishermen's village.
almost doesn't stop in time and bumps into Gabriel's back, making himself fall over on his butt. Whoa. "Sorry." D:
stumbles a little, but doesn't fall. He laughs at the other, waving at some people. "Let's swim!" He beams, walking off to the shore, quickly taking his clothes off.
stands up, looking around at the people and smiling at them before he does the same and runs into the water.
splashes water on him, swimming so naturally, it's as if he learned that before walking.
laughs and swims after him. "You're too fast!"
swims closer to him, cheeks puffed. «I just like to swim! You're too slow!» he pokes the other, pausing to float a bit next.
puffs up his cheeks as well and pokes him back. "I told you I wasn't very good!"
shakes his head. «Nonsense!» he giggles after -- does the word exist? «I will teach you!» he grabs the other by the shoulders then, carrying him around in the water.
panics a little, but he relaxes and reaches out to take hold of Gabriel's shoulders too, kicking his feet in order to move. He grins a little. "I will be as fast as you soon, then."
nods. «Yes! Now, keep your legs closer, and kick more softly.» he instructs, guiding him. «Like a fish!»
does so. He's biting his lip, eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration, just focusing on kicking. "Am I doing it?"
grins, watching as he's moving better. "Yes! Can I let go?"
laughs. "Yes!" He keeps kicking faster, letting go of him in order to swim on his own.
lets him go, swimming nearby still. Funny how these things work, he barely knew the boy and already felt strangely like a friend.