Dr. Yubsie
[Destiny Strings] And then I had to make up a birthday for a character who predates calendars
Dr. Yubsie
Madest uppest birthday ever.
Eᴀsʏ Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ! 🚬
Dr. Yubsie
I wound up taking one of those "Do you actually fit your zodiac sign?" quizzes and picking a date in that range somewhere
Dr. Yubsie
Which is hilarious because... zodiac based personalities REALLY?
Eᴀsʏ Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ! 🚬
my character came out as a Libra which is so wrong it hurts
Dr. Yubsie
Heh, that's what I made Death
Eᴀsʏ Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ! 🚬
she has to meet Nik when they get in. he's also Death arcana.
Dr. Yubsie
I'm torn between two different personas I've been toying with. One probably suits the Death arcana BETTER (Bean Si) but the other suits HER better (Death arcana persona that is mostly healing moves :-P)
Eᴀsʏ Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ! 🚬
haha, nice
Eᴀsʏ Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ! 🚬
Nik's persona is all Dark, Agi (Fire) and Strike (bashing) damage
Eᴀsʏ Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ! 🚬
Dr. Yubsie
Eᴀsʏ Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ! 🚬
crazy stalker death car
Eᴀsʏ Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ! 🚬
he is going to be so unamused
Dr. Yubsie
I can't see her with a persona that is really all that much about damage attack. Bean Si is the Status Effect SHow :-P
Dr. Yubsie
Green Man is the Buffs and Healing Show and I'm worried doesn't actually work as Death arcana
Eᴀsʏ Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ! 🚬
hmm yeah tough call
Homicidal A.I
you are making everything so confusing yubsie
Eᴀsʏ Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ! 🚬
Personas are tough
Eᴀsʏ Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ! 🚬
but i've played two SMT games and I was in Velvet Key so i have some back up
Eᴀsʏ Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ! 🚬
in TVK Kaiji was scared of his own Persona. IT WAS ATROPOS. SHE WAS SCARY.
Dr. Yubsie
I think it would have helped if I wasn't apping someone who IS mythology
Dr. Yubsie
Homicidal A.I : I'm setting a precedent for you!
Dr. Yubsie
I've been going through the app page looking at all the gods/angels/etc for guidance :-P
Homicidal A.I
good idea
Eᴀsʏ Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ! 🚬
Eᴀsʏ Rᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ! 🚬
Kaiji was just always like summoning her
Homicidal A.I
Though if they're from the Discworld /cries in hands
Dr. Yubsie
DEATH can just have the weirdest persona ever :-P
Dr. Yubsie
I think I'll go with Bean Si just because I don't feel like I know enough about Personas to rationalize the Green Man
Dr. Yubsie
Though reading up on that did lead me to the idea of Osiris as her Ultimate since that actually fits BOTH her aspects
Homicidal A.I
Homicidal A.I
Dr. Yubsie so you're giving Death the Death arcana?
Dr. Yubsie
That is the weirdest sentence
Homicidal A.I
Homicidal A.I
yes it is
Dr. Yubsie
I thought about a couple others but in the end... Death and Death arcana and yeah
Homicidal A.I
Homicidal A.I
I'm leaning towards that one
Homicidal A.I
Homicidal A.I
I'm reading the list of the Discworld gods and things and Death should end up telling Death about the Sandman on the Disc
Homicidal A.I
knocking people out with bags of sand]
Dr. Yubsie
Dr. Yubsie
That is beautiful
Dr. Yubsie
Temperance and Priestess seemed like they might fit her personalitywise but her whole existance is tied up in the idea of life, death, regeneration and cycles
Homicidal A.I
yeah, I'm not sure about Discworld Death
Homicidal A.I
he's less cycles and more ....just the job and duty
Dr. Yubsie
Dr. Yubsie
(It would be amusing to have a Death who is not in fact Dearth Arcana :-P)
Homicidal A.I
I was thinking Justice, if only for the,: there is no Justice ..there is just us
Dr. Yubsie
Homicidal A.I
Discworld Death is so neutral
Homicidal A.I
I'm thinking maybe I'll give him "The Lady" as a persona
Dr. Yubsie
Homicidal A.I
do you need two? the lady and fate seem like possible ones for him
Dr. Yubsie
Yeah, there's a starter and an ultimate
Homicidal A.I
Dr. Yubsie
Just need one for the app though
Homicidal A.I
the hard past is anyone from the Disc, Death will know them
Homicidal A.I
Dr. Yubsie
I feel your pain
Homicidal A.I
at least he doesn't talk to gods much?
Dr. Yubsie
Neil Gaiman felt the need to work in LIKE EVERY PANTHEON EVER
Dr. Yubsie
Which was awesome except for right now :-P
Homicidal A.I
Homicidal A.I
Yeah, and Terry Pratchett just made all his ridiculous
Homicidal A.I
His persona will be Anoia XD
Dr. Yubsie
Homicidal A.I
Fate might be a good starter
Homicidal A.I
hmm maybe him and the Lady, and Death arcana because well Death
Dr. Yubsie
It is kinda the obvious choice
Homicidal A.I
I like the intro thing. someone asks you your name, you answer. You have passed the first test!
Homicidal A.I
And I'm just like ....Johan would fail this test
Dr. Yubsie
Oh JOhan
Dr. Yubsie
Death's answer would technically be "Got a couple weeks? I need that long just to list my FAVOURITES. But as for who I AM..."