still love Daryl still love Daryl still love Daryl
the day they kill him off may very well be the day I quit watching this show
he is literally the best character in it
I have been adoring him as Rick's second-in-command, and he is absolutely fucking impressive right now.
yeah, you go do reckless shit, Rick
you deserve it
still hoping they haven't recovered Carol's body and she might be alive
okay but Michonne
you're going to have to be
a little more specific
calm your tits, Rick
Maggie, honey, I sure hope you have a melee weapon on you
because I will be absolutely shocked if there aren't at least a few toddler-walkers around here.
Daryl is that a baby toy in your hand
yum, possum
still shipping the fuck out of Andrea and Michonne
though I'd settle for Andrea and Merle.
not shipping Andrea and the Governor
(okay maybe a little)
(in a Stockholm-y sort of way)
oh my fucking god
Daryl and this baby ids gvhaul
jesus christ my ovaries
okay Rick no
no Rick
nice choice in music
I almost forgot about this
okay seriously fuck this
we still haven't seen Carol's body
I mean, unless I missed something in a major way
oh god, do we really have to do the Lori-on-the-phone thing
oh good, they're not leaving the Carol thing alone yet
still mildly annoyed that it's been hanging the way it has - we have to assume that they buried something, but we didn't see it.
if there's doubt being cast on Carol's death next episode, then presumably, what they buried was not 100% identifiable as Carol.
but we never saw it, and no one's mentioned it at all.