daddy cool
woke up in the hospital because mydad beqt me unconcious

daddy cool
how embarasinfg


oh my god baby

daddy cool
they cut jky favorite shirt open

what are you going to do

what the fuck

why the hell did he do that shit

you need to press charges on his old ass

What the fuck are you okay!?

daddy cool
Hes in jail

✫ star
what the fuckkkk

daddy cool
And i was in restraints and doughnutless

ruthgaroux ♡
oh my god D:

daddy cool
He'll be in forever for attempted murder I guess.

Jesus christ. I'm glad you're alive.

daddy cool
I didn't even do shit, I got a cab home and wanted to talk to my sister and he threw me down and started trying to kill me.

wow what a crazy??

daddy cool
Hes' a piece of shit.

daddy cool
I'm so glad it happened tho especiallu to me and not my little delicate sisters because I think they'd be dead.

ruthgaroux ♡
yeah he needs to be in prison tbh

daddy cool
I tthink that's where he's going.

daddy cool
I'm mostly pissed about my beautiful face.

ruthgaroux ♡
/nurses it back to health

daddy cool
The dctor told me not to have fun for 24 hours and to stay with someone in case I have seizures or some shit but I want to go to the bar.

take care of yourself >
holds you

daddy cool
That emote actually is me todat.

daddy cool
Or last night whatever.

daddy cool
The tears would be piss tho.

ball fondlers
You are a god, Danny. Your face will always remain it's handsome, chiseled state regardless of what happens.

daddy cool
Yeah that's true.

daddy cool
That's what my boss said too.

daddy cool
I was worried tho son as soon as I was awake I was asking for a mirror.

god i love you

daddy cool
Christ I', so pissed off about this shit they charged him with sexual assault instead of...anything that made sense.

how about assault and battery wtf

daddy cool
He did try to rape me and I told my big brother and he said he did ythat shit to him too. But he was also trying to murdre me for telling my sister.

daddy cool
And I don't know what the fuxk to say when I testify because I got so drunk that when I came back to kill him

daddy cool
I couldn't even get out of the car or anything

daddy cool
And don't remember him beating me up but my sisters and the cops saw it.

daddy cool
I just know I'll kill him if he gets out.

daddy cool
And I don't want to go to work and deal with all the morons there.

daddy cool
I just feel unstable as fuck.

daddy cool
I'll blame it on the head trauma for now.

you need to rest and relax after all that jfc ): i hope you get to feeling better soon

that fucker needs to stay his ass in jail

✫ star
holy shit that fucking psycho