Noodle Emperor
[Exile LP] Seriously. Already in Myst 3 now. But this LPer talks more quickly than the last one so, y'know, change of pace. Exile is pretty
Noodle Emperor
I do enjoy this one more than Riven, though
Noodle Emperor
He's playing the "no idea what I'm doing, just gonna stroll through the right-ish way on accident" thing decently
Noodle Emperor
Riven was more of a
Noodle Emperor
DI Grumpypants
I think I pretty much want to just
DI Grumpypants
walk through
DI Grumpypants
all the Myst-related games I have
DI Grumpypants
I'm growed up, I dun have time to dink around on a computer like that anymore!
DI Grumpypants
which is sad!
Noodle Emperor
Noodle Emperor
Dil and Shady have all of Myst 1-4 done, plus Uru
Noodle Emperor
I think they may also have 5
Noodle Emperor
and they like to include stuff from the Book of Atrus and Book of Ti'Ana