random fact about me: I like the volume on my TV, computer, iPod dock, and sister's car stereo to end in a 0 or a 5 or I get a bit twitchy..
Cupcake Willy
Me tooo! lmao
Odd (unsure)
I'm an odd person, being normal is too boring (LOL)
potato boyo
given the option, I obsess about fine tuning, even though there's no sense to it
sometimes, my sister will even turn the volume on her stereo to 24 instead of 25 on purpose, so of course I have to fix it (haha)
potato boyo
like, if something says to microwave for 3 - 3.5 minutes, I'll make a point of setting to 3:14
potato boyo
stuff like that
that would make me twitchy too, the microwave and my alarm have to end in 00, 15, 30, or 45
lol too funny...i am the same way, and my brother is always switching it to some odd number!