Mel and Jaycee and Viktor all love power and science and to some extent each other, because they pass their vulnerabilities to one another... Through one another. Like Viktor loves Jayce and science and power and power is Mel but he cares most deeply about Jayce
and then even that changes until he cares most about science and them himself, which.... Mel is a mirror of who he is. Jayce loves Mel and Viktor and science and gets a taste for power, but realizes he can only have science with Viktor and power with Mel and he loves Mel more than he does Viktor.
And then Mel, I think, dislikes herself somewhat and therefore dislikes the parts of herself she sees in Viktor. She loves power too, but she loves Jayce more, which is why she's willing to fight for love. Fight for peace.
Viktor and Mel represent two of Jayce's Great loves, science and also power. and then, they both combine into his own great love, which is magic.