Seli jack
I almost crashed my bike 😓
Han Hafsa
Oh no your ok
Seli jack
Everything is alright but i have some scrash on my face
Han Hafsa
i'm sorry seli
Seli jack
Han Hafsa
: it's ok queen now ia'm perfect and thanks for your respect
Han Hafsa
Yeah welcome
Han Hafsa
I respect everyone but you said get lost so I didn't like that I was just kidding
Seli jack
Han Hafsa
: i'am really sorry for that queen
Han Hafsa
It's fine
Han Hafsa
Good night I'm not fine
Seli jack
Han Hafsa
: but why you are not fine
Han Hafsa
Seli jack
Han Hafsa
: means
Han Hafsa
I don't know I'm missing my bf
Han Hafsa
Nothing else bye good night it's 11:57 pm
Seli jack
Han Hafsa
Han Hafsa
: where are you from
Seli jack
Han Hafsa
: o my God where is he now
Han Hafsa
I can't reveal
Han Hafsa
He is sleeping and I also want to sleep
Han Hafsa
Good night
Seli jack
good afternoon