[work] so the J leaving conversation with the whole store happened, owner H came in to talk to us about the game plan in person, and I stressed Robin tf out LMAO
we knew this meeting was going to happen, and I was telling Robin and M that I intended to call H on how this was handled wrt communication to us and how that affected team morale
so the Confrontational Possibilities were hanging in the air
talk happened! I took the time to tell him that I know this was an impossible decision for him, and that it is difficult for everyone. but I also told him that this is not us losing a coworker or just a manager we like. what I didn't say was that when J lost her ex husband suddenly in 2022 (they'd been separated a while), Robin is who she told first.
and that Robin is the first person she told about her engagement, even before her own mother. or that when J had to make calls to insurances and accounts and tell them that her ex was gone, I was in the room with her supporting her.
what I did say is that this is us watching something devastating happen to a close friend.
and that while he was doing a great job of damage control now, the way this was handled so suddenly and out of left field to us shook team trust and morale in him, because we are a tiny team that actually cares about each other, him included
he thanked me for being honest and told me that he preferred knowing, and he thanked me much MORE for telling him that we are invested in this team and this work place, and how safe we all are to be ourselves here and how impossible it is to find that work culture where we feel secure and heard
and how we want him to use us as support as a team and not just. people working for him.
and when he left J thanked me for it too bc she told us that H is really hurting over all of this as well.
and that I handled something that could have been confrontational very well, and she thinks he feels much more supported now too
I am. terrified of talking to my superiors honestly and openly and have always been, but I DO feel like I can talk to H, and that IS the kind of boss he wants to be
he employs 6 people across 2 stores, you know?? like he's not a corporate jerk, he's a dad doing his best and we're in a very slow year and he's taking that as a personal failing
J was crying after he left bc we were talking about it and she's gonna be fine leaving the Job, it's us it sucks to lose most, y'know
I am going to go on lunch early and process The Horrors so that I can focus the rest of the day
I did start my spiel with "sorry in advance about this but my only two modes are be quiet or be honest and I do wanna say this"
and honestly I think that's just me broken down to my smallest parts there
space catboy 大変
no, i think a boss with a team that small and not corpo appreciates being told hey this sucked, but you are doing better now bc that's both actionable+ examples of how to handle it better
yeah, like. this is year 3 for him owning this store. and the first two years were record breaking for the store
so the fact that we're back to 2019 numbers has him very very freaked out
𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕠, 𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕪
You’re acknowledging him doing really great but that there also can be improvements, and you care GREATLY about this store and him and everyone in this team, you know? You let H see that you’re invested and you care, and as a non-corpo boss that shit is essential.
I'm really glad it made a good impact...