[Gaming][Possibly Casual Racism? It was the '90's, soooo-...] Ok, this is adorable.
Japanese Explains What They REALLY Said In Street Fi...
But also...
The part where she explains that the creator of Mortal Kombat designed Raiden - named after the Japanese God of lightning - after a character from Big Trouble in Little China is just...laughably oof at best, negl.
I literally cringed and facepalmed and "Ooooh, no"ed at that.
(Not that BTiLC doesn't have it's own problems. I love it, but it is very, very '80's Action Flick Comedy, racist stereotypes and all...>_>)
Definitely one of those "Still loving the thing while acknowledging that in some ways, it's very, very bad." I think the only thing it's got going for it is that it's kind of a parody of those old movies while still being action flick-y? But it still played the stereotypes pretty straight.
(Though now that I've done some googling to see how bad other people have seen it come in recent years, it appears that it's purposeful parody of white-savior movies and mindless action flicks, and people pointing out that the Asian characters were all portrayed as being smarter and more competent than the white male lead, has made a lot of people of Asian
descent actually not find it really that offensive and actually enjoy it. Obviously, that's not going to be a universal opinion by any means, but I can see where that is coming from, too, and I'm willing to stfu if anyone who's not-white says I'm speaking out of my ass.)