what does your character think of mine? ^_^
/bounce bounce bounce
Mrs. Sheepie
i don't think i can overstate how much arthur loves john
Mrs. Sheepie
or how much he enjoys having Saga as a new partner
Saga is good people, and moreover Steady. Steady is a good thing when things are bad! Florian is lovely and charming. Really quite polished, but personable.
she'd really like to get to know both of them
Mrs. Sheepie : these are mutual!
Nammah! : indeed and verily. Aerith has been lovely! please forgive the spotty as that is energy levels and post surgery stuff and not lack of interest!
oh yeah no worries! you gotta take care of you
Root finds John interesting and easy to talk to
Natalie, of course, adores her new dad
3D🌺triangle. : John likes her too! and Shaw
Ian Elliot
Abel thinks John is very helpful, and he appreciates his insight a lot. He also is considering asking him to teach him how to cook because he has never even made pasta before it's...unfortunate. Also maybe he can make him more ice cream because that really did make him feel better.
Ian Elliot
Hanna thinks Vincent is just a really swell dude and maybe has a few quirks, but who doesn't? Also please don't take away his occult library access after this fiasco. He'll be more careful and maybe ask before trying out new magic out of them just in case he might summon hell again.
𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘢
Nana would really appreciate if John would just get off her ass and let her have absolute kitchen control, please!!!
Ian Elliot : happily! oh he'd be so excited to show him cooking. and don't worry, Hanna.
Ian Elliot
Can't learn knife skills or what 'blanching' is from a book, please teach him. Also he has no kitchen in his cabin yet. He needs to fix all that.
ITS COMPLICATED. He has the feels but also acknowledging that is A Lot. But also he'll maul anyone who touches Florian
Hakkai thinks John is incredibly sweet and earnest.
Blitz : Florian is perfectly content just to have people mauled over him as a love language
Kira🌵 : John has such respect for Hakkai. just a lot of heart eyes you're so good at everything.
he is bewildered by the respect but flattered! sir you are an ancient eldritch deity and he's a 25 year old underemployed kindergarten teacher
Kira🌵 : you saved his person, inspired him to craft and cook, and you're one of the people who make him feel safe. that's so much!
(honestly, he'd be more flattered by the fact that John feels safe around him than anything else. He wants to protect his friends very badly.)
oh he absolutely does. the things he admitted after he came back to the barge would not have been said to many people
aww ;;
Blitz like "my love language is acts of service and all i know is murdering people so..."
Gonna speed run this. Sheehan adores Saga and is so happy that she's just a sane fucking adult. He loves John, obviously, and feels so safe with him. Corvo appreciates how grounded Jamie keeps him. Corvo is so confused by Florian sometimes, but adores the hell out of him. Justine loves John. End of.
Blitz : this is fine other than you needing to graduate
Counter argument, he stays here forever and doesn't have to decide where he is going once he's free to decide
Blitz : you can do that as a warden without the possibility of disappearing
B is inordinately fond of John. the guy is so kind for where he came from and what he was supposedly a part of, and he only hopes he can live up to that kind of kindness and wonder at the small things of life.
he also quite likes Jamie, and he's really pretty interested in getting to know Saga
she seems like a good person, and like a lot of people he's close to (reminds him of Shaw actually)
(and Frankie)
cacopheny : John has such fondness for B who helped show him problem solving through making stuff yourself. and Jamie considers B one of the solid people on board he can count on.
Saga really likes him and is doing that thing where she's like "I normally wouldn't talk this much about me but it feels okay"
aw Saga. he's not trying to pry he promises :3
she knows! it's more a "this feels good and safe so I can try it"
she's a seer
she trusts her gut
awwwwww B'd be touched I think
Goose Botherer
Jedao adores John so much and also thinks he is a Sweet Cinnamon Roll who needs to be Protected just a tiny bit!!!
Goose Botherer
like. not from threats necessarily. but like if Edwin had Gone Evil for a Weird Flood or something Jedao would want to Handle it partly so that John wouldn't have to
Goose Botherer
also he finds John's deep-down assumption of parts of the King's mantle re: the dust and cold and the end of all things very deeply comforting. and it makes him think of like....stuff like this
Goose Botherer
what a mercy and relief for things to end, what a miraculous gift for the ends of things to be heralded by someone who understands love and music and madness
Goose Botherer
jedao thinks florian is incredible and is a little bit sad now that he didn't angle for a threesome while he had the chance lmao (but he really did need time to get his head on straight)
Goose Botherer
he would be a little flattered by the possibility of wariness, I think - Florian sees him very clearly and is not fooled by the sweaters or the quietness, and Jedao has very rarely had people be wary of him who were actually seeing him and his own capacity for decisive ruthlessness rather than Jedao One's bloody reputation
Goose Botherer
but also he would like to reassure Florian that because Florian is both highly capable (esp in ways/with tools Jedao does NOT have) and can be reasoned with, it will almost always be a better tactical choice for Jedao to get him onside :>
Goose Botherer
Jedao's feelings for Saga are 90% 'thoughtful, capable, very cool hair, much respect' and 10% 'ARE YOU TRYING TO STEAL MY BABY'
Goose Botherer
Kahl's feelings for Jamie are just like [Avril Lavigne blasting I DON'T LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND, I THINK YOU NEED A NEW ONE] but immortal adolescent possessive assholes
Goose Botherer : John DOES need protecting more than he'd ever admit and he'll be in a bad place after this flood. (also I need to hit that thread back I have just not had the brain)
Florian will be coming to Jedao because he does want to be allies/friends but he's been considering how because these things are ones to consider.
Goose Botherer
Jedao is I think one of the shortlist of people who remembers how Also Young John is. because they both are. and John isn't his Older Brother
John feels OLD but he feels old with memories that he mostly has to FIGHT instead of use.
he's baby and he's very sensitive and Jedao is one of the few people who seem to know that
also Saga is not trying to steal your baby. She is trying to be coffee aunt to your baby.
Ms Properpants
John: on the one hand, eldritch cooties, and like with Blitz, Sebastian's a little offended by how human John seems, have some dignity. On the other, he feels like he should probably soak up everything he can from him because clearly whatever he did to become more of an actual person worked.
Ms Properpants : at some point, I'd love Sebastian to see him go a little more King-like during something. Oh the capability to do that is still 100% there.
Ms Properpants
Florian: literally his young master in ten years + magic, he's perfect <333. Sebastian wants praise from literally everyone all the time, but especially wants it from Florian.
Ms Properpants
Oh, I'd love that!
he will always praise Sebastian because Sebastian always deserves it.
Goose Botherer : also coming back to this Jamie wants to give some sort of Tribute to Kahl because he appreciates that he's been on his side even if he hasn't needed to call on him. Sometimes just knowing someone is there matters.
Goose Botherer
kahl would have So Many Emotions
Goose Botherer
offerings aren't really a thing in HTK because of the Interdiction but like!!! still
you're a good god, Kahl. And those who've been wronged need someone on their side.
Goose Botherer
if jamie ever told him that he would be extremely verklempt
then he has to!
he has to tell him about his revenge anyway
Jamie: Walter doesn't really know him
Florian: Walter remembers him... A way... From fourth wall... He definitely thinks of him as "this guy is one of the guys who graduated and was still completely the same" but useful and in fact especially helpful with the shield, he's touched now
Vincent: GOD BLESS YOU FOR BRINGING LAICITE INTO HIS VOCABULARY, truly one of the delightful inmates in Walter's batch
Saga: he's kinda blatantly suspicious of her as Arthur's warden, as there's the common assumption of special treatment
JD: genuinely very suspicious of him, not just the special treatment but very creeped out by his extremely close relationship with Misty, feels like he uses therapy speak to be guilt trip ("flounce with Rosita", etc)
Lenga : John would be so baffled at Walter's assessment of him. Vincent just gives a tight smile. Florian would say he is the same person but it's a lot more than that and perhaps they could talk about it. Saga just keeps on trucking.
Lady Stardust
Florian is perfect and she loves him. John is Differently Perfect and she’s very glad he’s here, Vincent is interesting and she likes talking to him, Saga is friend shaped
Lady Stardust
and Jamie is traumatised but clearly here to do his best and she hopes he can heal
Lady Stardust : Vincent and Iris should talk more! and Jamie is doing a lot better than he started
wait. I meant extremely close relationship with NATALIE
and blatantly NOT with Misty
Lenga : he and Misty are close. they've repaired their relationship a lot
Mrs. Sheepie
John and Misty have been so hot and cold and trying so hard
John doesn't initiate or demand because he's trying to be respectful of what Misty wants but when she offers he jumps at doing things with her. and he'd walk across fire for her.