art fight i need you to implement the reply button right NOW have you even released it yet is it only available for some am i just dumb is it already there WHATS GOING ON
Bee 🌻
oh !! I just read that they're still in testing and hopefully will be released this week
I SEE I SEEE thank u i owe u my life. i was so confused its like. doesnt rlly say whether the stuff is out or not the news post is just You Will Now Be Able To (thing here) and im like REALLY??? WHERE? WHEN? HOW? </3
Bee 🌻
skdkf same I was confused too but then I reread the news post and that info is squished somewhere in between there apparently 😭
Bee 🌻
such cool features tho bc thumbnails are the bane of my existence (I am too lazy to size down my image myself)
HELP i see it ok thats on me. but jeez yeah its just tacked on the end of the opening right before listing the features. i just remember hearing people mention it and i got all excited and looked at the post and just skipped past it help. BUT YEAH YEAH hopefully they get made soon im so excited smh
Bee 🌻
skdk honestly I missed it too !! those features sound rlly neat tho I'm totally using them