โ™ซ ๐“ ๐“‘๐“๐“ก๐““ โ™ซ
I apologize to everyone I planned things with, this month has been....difficult. I think at this point Iโ€™m gonna have to just handwave a lot of things
โ™ซ ๐“ ๐“‘๐“๐“ก๐““ โ™ซ
Especially my Laby friends, I really dropped the ball on the event orz
โ™ซ ๐“ ๐“‘๐“๐“ก๐““ โ™ซ
Itโ€™s bad though, because at this point I donโ€™t have anything for AC either
yarn witch
i'll be around in a bit if you need to boomerang some inbox stuff
yarn witch
i've also got open threads on the club mingle post
Squishy Mallow
โ™ซ ๐“ ๐“‘๐“๐“ก๐““ โ™ซ
Thank you! Iโ€™m....definitely going to need something
yarn witch
what would be easiest?
โ™ซ ๐“ ๐“‘๐“๐“ก๐““ โ™ซ
Let....me see about that first. Part of the problem has just been work and stuff
โ™ซ ๐“ ๐“‘๐“๐“ก๐““ โ™ซ
But gimme a bit and Iโ€™ll see what I can come up with
yarn witch
yeah just at me when you're ready!
Squishy Mallow
I have open threads as well if you need
yarn witch
I can boomerang if you need anything.
โ™ซ ๐“ ๐“‘๐“๐“ก๐““ โ™ซ
Squishy Mallow : I did finally tag back to Aurora in Willowโ€™s inbox!
Squishy Mallow
yes! and I can boomerang that if you need
โ™ซ ๐“ ๐“‘๐“๐“ก๐““ โ™ซ
RolloftheDice : Thank you! I appreciate it. I know I said Willow would help with Percy, and Iโ€™m sorry I really fell through on that. We can handwave it though, if thatโ€™s okay, and maybe sheโ€™ll come check on him sometime?
(Hugs tight) It's okay, you know I'm in the same boat. I don't mind handwaving or rain checking our stuff either.
โ™ซ ๐“ ๐“‘๐“๐“ก๐““ โ™ซ
Thanks <3
โ™ซ ๐“ ๐“‘๐“๐“ก๐““ โ™ซ
Yay, made AC for Laby! Thank you so much, Squishy Mallow !
Squishy Mallow
of course lovely, happy to help
yarn witch
โ™ซ ๐“ ๐“‘๐“๐“ก๐““ โ™ซ
Sheโ€™ll definitely want to check in on him afterwards