That Black Cat
[nature] Today I learned about this tree:
That Black Cat
This is the humble Machineel Tree. It is native to some Southern US states, the Caribbean, and parts of South and Central Americas. It has reddish brown bark, white, milky sap, shiny green leaves, and even bears fruit!
That Black Cat
It mostly grows in swamps and on beaches and has been used by people for woodworking
That Black Cat
Literally every single part of this tree is dangerous.
That Black Cat
So dangerous that even standing underneath it in a rainstorm can cause blisters and contact dermatitis. To fell the tree, it's usually burned at the roots, and to work with it, it must be left in the sun to let the sap dry.
That Black Cat
Smoke from the burning tree can injure your eyes, so great care must be taken. Even touching the bark is toxic
That Black Cat
It bears these adorable little fruits, too
That Black Cat
They are referred to as "apples of death" and are extremely toxic
That Black Cat
Machineel Trees hate you and everything that wants to exist near it.
That Black Cat
There is only one creature known to be able to eat the fruit of the Machineel tree, the black spiny-tailed iguana
That Black Cat
they also live in them. The madmen.
That Black Cat
it's a fascinating plant that I never, ever want to be anywhere near
Consider: the Manchineel
Oh Dear...
Oh Dear...
This is amazing
Oh Dear...
I am absolutely going to do more research on this
That Black Cat
it's definitely a plant I think you'd like