Yon Fellow
Character fathers!

ETA: OH THERE'S SOME CWS HERE for abuse and neglect as well as war crimes and violence.
Yon Fellow
Outlook is not favorable, folks
Yon Fellow
Let's start with the best and work down
Yon Fellow
Yon Fellow
She adores her father. The two are very close, even after her parents split and her dad moved to another state. Ironically, she takes after her mother far more, but that mostly causes friction between them.

At one point he offers to have her move out to live with him, and basically the only reason she doesn't is because of the Animorphs thing.
Yon Fellow
We see little of him, but he mostly seems like a chill, funny dude
Yon Fellow
Yon Fellow
Okay, so his actual father was Malcolm Dresden, a stage magician. He was a Decent Dude, if a little old-fashioned about some stuff in ways that had a not-great influence on Harry.

But in the context of fatherhood, he was a nice guy who tried his best, and I think Harry would have had a much better life if Malcolm hadn't died when Harry was young.
Yon Fellow
His second father figure, however, was the opposite. Justin DuMorne, a Warden of the White Council who was on the strike team that took out Kemmler, basically the biggest baddest Necromancer to ever walk the Earth.
Yon Fellow
Justin DuMorne also took Kemmler's assistant, a spirit of magical knowledge bound into a human skull, as his own and began dabbling in black magic, going full Warlock
Yon Fellow
He adopted Harry (and Elaine, another extremely gifted wizard) specifically with the intent of enthralling them into his private wizard army, and when that failed he called a freaking Outsider to try and kill him. If Harry (And Elaine) hadn't specifically been born under a sign that protects them from Outsider, he'd have been cooked right then.
Yon Fellow
He still nearly was. He had to kill with magic just to survive, a fact which has stained him irreparably.
Yon Fellow
Other fun tidbits about Justin DuMorne, he trained Harry to use shield spells by hucking fucking fastballs at his head
Yon Fellow
ANYWAY AFTER THAT he wound up with his third and final paternal mentor, Ebenezar McCoy. An old-ass wizard from the Appalachian Mountains, he basically taught Harry to be a wizard the right way (Because the alternative was execution by the Wardens for violating the First Law via aforementioned magic killing.)
Yon Fellow
He was a pretty consistent force of guidance, aid, and sometimes protection during the series, who pretty unflinchingly had Harry's back. There's a lot of reasons for this, although the big ones are giant spoilers.
Yon Fellow

Okay now we're getting into the shitty end of the spectrum, but Cassim is the least shitty of the shitty dads, for whatever that may be worth.
Yon Fellow
Cassim was a lot like Aladdin, in the best and worst ways. He didn't have Aladdin's powerful moral compass (That was his mother's doing) but he was explicitly kind at heart.

When we meet him, he is the new King of Thieves, the leader of the legendary Forty Thieves, because of his cleverness and skill (Turns out that's where Al gets that from)
Yon Fellow
He has, as their leader, apparently enforced on them a less violent path. At one point his second-in-command Saluk complains that they're not as prosperous as they could be because Cassim refuses to use needless violence or cruelty.
Yon Fellow
Yon Fellow
As a father, well- let's just say Al doesn't just get being a skilled, clever, and nice guy from his dad. He also comes by that crippling insecurity honestly.

Cassim became obsessed with a legendary artifact called the Hand of Midas, an enchanted treasure that could transform anything it touched into solid gold.
Yon Fellow
This, it seems, happened before he left Al's mother. And it is implied to be a combination of his own greed and his belief that he wasn't adequate as a father that drove him to leave her in search of the treasure, a quest that lasted twenty years with no success.
Yon Fellow
He refused to come home without it, believing he had nothing to offer without it.
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It's not until the end of King of Thieves that he realizes he's wasted his life and nearly lost everything that really matters to him because of the stupid thing, and he finally throws it away.
Yon Fellow
He's not Father of the Year material, but he's, y'know, got a decent soul.
He can take steps to be less terrible
which is important
...I find it funny that he and Silver from Treasure Planet had the same resolution basically. "It's just a lifelong obsession; I'll get over it eventually."
Yon Fellow
Yon Fellow
I still haven't seen Treasure Planet, but I'm not exactly fussed about spoilers because like
Yon Fellow
It's Treasure Island in space
Yon Fellow
I can guess
Yon Fellow
which I only thought of because for a second I misremembered cassim saying that
Ngl I had a huge crush on Cassim by the end of the movie because you know he loves Aladdin and his mom. I just feel once Aladdin's mom died, then he lost himself...which is one way to grieve. At least that's how I remember it.
I do highly recommend it tho
Yon Fellow
misskoely : He explicitly left long before Aladdin's mom died, though
Also I liked Cassim because the Aladdin TV series was a hyperfix at the same time Gargoyles was and he has the same VA as Macbeth and I am normal
Yon Fellow
Aladdin even calls out that she needed him as much as Aladdin did.
Yon Fellow
So like. I'm sure learning she died sucked, but it was not the trigger for him abdicating his responsibilities
Yon Fellow
Yon Fellow
Yon Fellow
Hoo boy.
Yon Fellow
So Roger Wyndam-Pryce was a watcher, a damn devoted one. To that end, he apparently regarded Wesley as an asset of the Watcher's Council, rather than, like, a human child.
Yon Fellow
Because he was the fucking worst as a father
Yon Fellow
Nothing Wesley did was ever good enough. Academic achievement, becoming a Watcher, didn't matter. Still not good enough. Apparently his methods of discipline involved locking Wesley under the stairs, among other things.
Yon Fellow
The fact that Wesley is such an uptight domineering jackass in season 3 is pretty explicitly a direct result of his crippling insecurity because he needs to finally impress his father by doing well on his first assignment
Klein Kasgrove
IIRC, Cassim left before Al's mother died, and at some point later came back to Agrabah only to find their place abandoned (because it was after she died)
Yon Fellow
That's what I recall as well
Klein Kasgrove
This just makes me want to write up that prequel idea I had even more, the one that covers Cassim's story after he left Agrabah and became the King of Thieves
Yeah, I may need to rewatch the movie. It's been a hot minute. I still have the movie in VHS.
Yon Fellow
But yeah. The irony, of course, is that Roger was so determined to use his son as a trophy for the Watcher's Council that he took an exemplary student with all sorts of intellectual potential to be a phenomenal Watcher and turned him into the greatest embarrassment the Watcher's Council ever experienced.
Yon Fellow
Which he just insisted was Wesley continuing to disappoint him.
Yon Fellow
It got to the point that when a magic robot impersonated Roger to infiltrate Wesley's new workplace in Angel, the fact that he was such a dismissive, judgmental, insulting, mocking, belittling, undermining bastard- and was, apparently, quite willing to kill Wesley just to get what he wanted- had Wesley completely convinced that he was the real Roger
You've never seen Treasure Planet? WHaaaaaaaa????
Yon Fellow
I have not!
Yon Fellow
It came out during the period when I wasn't really watching Disney movies
Klein Kasgrove
It's on my list of "Disney Movies to Show Yon"
Yon Fellow
Klein Kasgrove
Because I have the very strong suspicion that he'd like Silver since, well, he already does :V
Oh you should! Honestly it's a hidden gem. I didn't see it until I worked at Disneyland and actually got to do it one day as part of my actual shift that day but I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was!
Honestly, if they're gonna continue on with LA remakes, PUT THAT ONE AT THE TOP! With how good CGI has developed, it'd be amazing!
Yon Fellow
FAITH had two real treats for parents. Her mother was an abusive drunk, and she's the one that was actually around(ish.)

Pat Lehane, on the other hand, fucked off real early and only breezed through on rare occasions in a drunken stupor. He wasn't part of her life at all, she'd last seen him before she even became a Slayer.
Yon Fellow
He shows up in the post-series comics, and whoo nelly he is a piece of WORK. He basically shows up because he heard she was a Slayer and he needed her help because he pissed off the mafia and wanted her to murder them.
Yon Fellow
Even when she and Angel go out of their way to help him out, Pat still basically wrote her off as a loser like him and was totally unappreciative. It was very obvious that he didn't give a shit about her except a means to his own ends.
Yon Fellow
If one didn't know better one might suspect that Joss Whedon had some sort of daddy issues
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Yon Fellow
Yon Fellow
I have said it before, more than once, and I will say it again until I stop playing this character
Yon Fellow
If I was a maggot and a fly laid my egg in Ozai's corpse, I would be offended.
Yon Fellow
First imagine a delusional nationalist zealot who wants to conquer the world because his nation is so perfect and superior. Bad enough, right?
Yon Fellow
Now give him a son who's begun to fully dehumanize the enemy and only narrowly applies the remnants of the nation's honor culture
Yon Fellow
Now give him a son who's such a fucked up horrific sociopath that the second guy was offended by it
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Yon Fellow
Yon Fellow
I fully theorize that Ozai has some sort of congenital psychological defect. It's the only thing that makes sense for just how absurdly evil and selfish he is.
Yon Fellow
His father the imperialist despot and his brother the war-criminal (before his redemption) both thought he was a fucking deranged little troglodyte.
Yon Fellow
THAT evil
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And oh, you better believe that he applied every inch of that to his family.
Yon Fellow
Word of God is that he apparently made a token effort, for the first years of married life, to do the family thing correctly.
Yon Fellow
The reasonable assumption, based on what we see, is that this was so much effort that he simply stopped bothering.
Yon Fellow
He very quickly began treating his son as useless garbage because he wasn't a firebending prodigy, and grooming his daughter to be his perfect weapon from a young age because he was.
Yon Fellow
When his scheming enraged his father to the point that he demanded Zuko's life, he was perfectly happy to oblige- almost certainly not the lesson Azulon was trying to impart, based on what we know of his few positive attributes, but Ozai was more than happy to just murder his own son to protect his ambitions.
Yon Fellow
He eventually is persuaded to spare Zuko by their mother, who instead helps him kill Azulon.

His price is that she leave her children behind and never show her face again or he will kill them. Yes, both of them. Yes, including the precious daughter.
Yon Fellow
Fun fact about Ozai: Azula is his favorite child

Fun fact about Ozai: He still doesn't give a fuck about her and would absolutely murder her to get what he wants without a second thought.
Yon Fellow
It's sort of fascinating to examine his relationship with Azula, because on the surface it seems like she's his favorite and he cares about her, but the closer you look at it, the more you realize that it's entirely one-sided.
Yon Fellow
SHE adores him. Practically worships him. HE finds that convenient.
Yon Fellow
That's it, that's the relationship.
Yon Fellow
So Zuko, he belittles, abuses, berates. He scarred Zuko's face and banished him on an impossible snipe hunt just for caring too much about Fire Nation soldiers that Ozai's generals wanted to use as a disposable diversion.
Yon Fellow
Azula, he groomed from early childhood to be like him. SHE thought it was because she was meant to be his successor and right hand. It wasn't. It was literally just so she would be a maximally useful disposable tool.
Yon Fellow
Zuko realizing this kicks off his true redemption arc and prompts him to go help the Avatar.
Yon Fellow
Azula realizing this kicked off uh
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Yon Fellow
Edited my TL to add some CWs
Yon Fellow