Yon Fellow
One Week
Hi, Plurk
Yon Fellow
Also shout-out to Faith Lehane's unofficial theme song as far as I'm concerned.
Yon Fellow
(... the Meredith Brooks song, not the Barenaked Ladies song, to clarify)
𝕨𝕚𝕗𝕖 𝕘𝕦𝕪 𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕜
both great songs, you have such such stellar taste
Yon Fellow
Aw shucks
i am that nerd who stanned One Week because it mentioned Sailor Moon and you acquire all things connected to your hyperfixation
Yon Fellow
Yon Fellow
I mean it was a gross and skeevy reference to Sailor Moon though
you don't get that when you're the same age as the characters or younger
Taking me back to my hs years here Yon.
Klein Kasgrove
Jaq I did the same thing with that song but for the Kurosawa reference
Klein Kasgrove
Also I read the two songs out as a command, which amuses me way too much
miles you ass
miles you ass
I have a friend who can do the whole song unprompted. I'm terrified of them
chris 🩷💜💙
to this day, whenever I have to pretend to be typing something, I start typing out the "Chickity China the Chinese chicken" part