Yon Fellow
Yon Fellow
Or don't I guess
Yon Fellow
I'm not your mom
Yon Fellow
(Okay but please do though or I'll feel like a loser)
Yon Fellow
(Which I am but I like to pretend okay)
Klein Kasgrove
What RP makes you feel less like a loser /shot
Yon Fellow
Oh my god, are you kidding me? Nothing cements my loserdom like my RP
Yon Fellow
𝕤𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙
What makes you gravitate to a character?
Yon Fellow
Oh, man. So, I think the best way to put it is that there's two things
Thing you have always wanted to RP but have not yet
Yon Fellow
Either 1: I want to develop/work out a specific issue of theirs
Yon Fellow
Or 2: I just think they'd be fun to put into Situations
Yon Fellow
If both, A++
Yon Fellow
Jaq : Hmmmmmmm. I mean I dunno. I have character-specific goals but nothing that screams out to me as Undone per se
who was your first RP character and why?
Yon Fellow
timeywimey : Obi-Wan Kenobi, actually!
Yon Fellow
Unless you count old embarrassing tabletop characters