Since NewYearSameMe shared her high school band photo, I thought I'd share mine. I forgot I had this pic. Find me? https://images.plurk.com/fVGVkYw9erhkf8wayCoyO.jpg
Hint - this is the same flute line that Lizzo played in 20 years later.
ooo i gotta look on a pc
Free Star🌟💫🔥
I think I spotted you! Not positive though.
The clarinet player on the right end 1st row married one of the band directors a couple years out of high school.
He asked all the girls out once they graduated...well, except not me. Ewwwww
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Are they divorced yet?
I don't know. LOL
The female trumpet player 3rd row center with the big smile had a baby shortly after this picture was taken. No one knew she was pregnant - she claimed she didn't know. Thought she was having an appendicitis.
Two people that I know of in this picture have passed away.
I’m front center with the fluffy brown hair, btw.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Ooooh, I guessed wrong.
Alicia ✿
Omgosh, Six Flags!
Alicia ✿
Top row, the guy on the far left... He was a creep, yeah? LOL I just get creep vibes.
Alicia ✿ : They were the drummers. They thought they were way cooler than they really were.