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cranium 顱骨
mandible 下顎骨
clavicle (collarbone)
scapula 肩胛骨
sternum (breastbone)
humerus 肱骨(上臂)
radius 橈骨(雞中翼 - 拇指側)
ulna 尺骨(雞中翼 - 小指側)
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vertebra (back bones/ spine)
innominate ……先當作是盆骨吧
sacrum 骶骨(屁股中間的三⻆形臉)
coccyx (tail bone)
femur 大腿
patella 膝
tibia 小腿(粗,姆趾)
fibula 小腿(細,尾趾)
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carpals 手腕
tarsals 腳腕
metacarpals 手掌
metatarsals 腳掌
phalanges 指骨 (manal/ pedal) / phalanx
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【兆瑞】ft. F
"the study of humankind, wherever and whenever it is found"
1. Social-Cultural
2. Linguistics (Languages)
3. Archaeology [preserves cultural memories]
4. Biological (Physical) [vs Paleoanthropology]
Applied -> Forensic, Socio-linguistics, Cultural Resource Management
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Forensic Anthropology
> identification problems in a medico-legal context
Forensic = Legal >> “A Court Witness”
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_Is it bone?
_Is it human?
_How many individuals? Is there commaling (plural individuals maxing together)?
_Evidence for post-mortem interval (moved?) [Taphonomy 埋藏學]
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[Big 4 (to examine)]
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_ Age at Death Determination (job / lifestyle affected)
[teeth, epiphysis (= gloth plates at the end of bones, eg femur), pubis region depicied (building process of ream of hip bone), fontanelles (= sutures of cranium (front and back creaks on the skull)] Osteophytosis
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_ Sex Determination
[shape and thickness of pelvis盆骨, ventral arc for female, skull]
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_ Population Affinity (race) Determination
[Human Genome Project > failed to recognize race by examining the giene]
_ Stature Determination
(calculate with length of a long bone to get a range that indicate the decedent's height)
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_ Evidence of trauma
_ Individualizing features [Facial Reproduction, dental record, etc.]
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FORENSICS refers to public debate which includes the presentation of evidence and rhetoric 指公開辯論,包括證據和修辭的呈現
FORENSIC SCIENCE deals specifically with the gathering, identification, investigate, and scientific interpretation of evidence to determine such things as who was involved in a crime 涉及證據的收集、識別、調查和科學解釋,以確定誰參與了犯罪等事情
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Notebook Forensics
Forensic Accounting
Forensic Audio
Forensic Linguistics
Forensic Pathology
Forensic Psychology
Forensic Anthropology
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【兆瑞】ft. F
[Pre 1900]
Dwight (1843-1911) < Father of American Forensic Anthropology
_ age and sex differences in the sternum
_ sex differences in the articular surfaces of the long bones
Dorsey < first anthropologist to go to court as an expert witness in the U.S.(1897)
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[Pre 1930]
Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri
American Association of Physical Anthropologists 1928
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1918
Personal Identification 1932
Hooton: role of physical anthropology in the identification of skeletal remains 1934
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好 不記了
> divides the history into 3 time periods: (a.) pre-1939, (b.) 1939-1972, and (c.) 1972-1980.
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【兆瑞】ft. F
Certification > The Five W’s:
 Who (identity of decedent) [人]
When (time of death) [時]
Where (place of death) [地]
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Why (medical cause of death) [點致命]
[部位+傷害 / 疾病]
 How (manner of death) [俾咩人/意外/整定攞命]
Natural / Unnatural or Violent
a) Accident
b) Suicide
c) Homicide
d) Undetermined
e) Unclassified (not all provinces have this classification)
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The Golden Triangle
 1. Scene of death/discovery of body
 2. Body/autopsy
 3. History of decedent
 Dynamic interaction
 “The three legged stool”
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Coroner and Medical Examiner
• Coroner – British
• Medical Examiner – American
• Judicial – Europe
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• Medical Examiner System – Alberta, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia
• All other provinces in Canada operate on a coroner system
• Duties of Coroner vs. Med. Examiner
• Medical Examiner = Forensic Pathologist, but a forensic pathologist is not always a medical examiner
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【兆瑞】ft. F
Decomposition process
Algor mortis (cold, -1.5F/hr)
Livor mortis (bluish, blood settle 15-20min after death)
Rigor mortis (Stiff, becoming hard, 24-28hr after > become soft)
Autopsy procedure and tests
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==========Hinton Train==========
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Charred - internal organs still present -serology體液?, visual
Partially - soft tissue - skeletal, maybe serology
Incompletely - pieces - skeletal
completely - ashes - very little
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Dehydration - water removal - 105 - 600C
Decomposition - removal of organic components - 500 - 800C
Inversion - removal of carbonates - 700 - 1100C
// - conversion of HAP to B Tricalcium phosphate?? - 800C
Fusion - melting of HAP crystals - 1600+C
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(印像:在課上查熱情果營養資料、查mock tail配方和看google推給我的屌文
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Longitudinal縱裂 - Straight Down Long Bones
Straight Transverse梯裂 - Step Fracture
Curved Transverse曲裂 - Thumbnail
Patina爆裂X - Crackle Design (Ends of Long Bones and Skull)
Delamination層裂 - Peeling of Bone Layers
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Traits Peculiar = specific characteristics
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還剩wk4,viking apocalypse,Witness For the Dead
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【兆瑞】ft. F
<Nuclear DNA> - from both parents, unique
bigger in size, 紅外線破壞到
semen, blook, saliva (will dry up)

(mtDNA) - given by mother, all keens on mother side share the same mtDNA
smaller in size, can be kept for very long time
bone, teeth, hair
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==========Body Farm (rev.)==========
> Bill Bass, Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
> types of decomposition factors = Mortem interval:
Temperature, insect activity, clothing versus no clothing, inside car or building versus out in open air, submerged in water
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> Insects that colonize dead bodies
Flies, especially blow flies: almost immediately after death;
Flesh flies, ants, carrion beetles, dermestid beetles, centipedes, millipedes
Note: Maggots, or fly larvae, are part of the life cycle of flies.
> Scavengers constitute the majority of decomposing bodies scattered
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Volatile fatty acids (studied by Arpad Vass) leeches into soil. The soil is tested chemically to determine the PMI.
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==========Viking Apocalypse==========
> Dorset, England – Ridgeway Hill Site
> "Who were they"
> 54 skeletons; 3 of the skulls are missing (burial in about 910-1030 AD)
> no objects (clothing, jewelry, and weapons) makes it more difficult to identify the skeletons
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head of femur smaller than the head of the humerus
>> huge upper body strength
>> dead men were rowers (sailors)
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strontium isotopes in bones
>> show the water salinity (salt) levels of fresh water
>> tells one's origin
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_ “greatest piece of ancient literature” that is used to provide information about the burial: Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
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Tal Simmons | Forensic Anthropologist
Angela Boyle | Burial Archaeologist
Mike Loades | Weapons Historian
Britt Baillie | Archaeologist
Gordon Summers | Weapons Expert
Tom Holland | Historian
Alex Langlands | Landscape Archaeologist
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> Forensic anthropologists determine people were rowers and damage that killed the Vikings.
> Chemical scientists analysis strontium and oxygen isotopes to know bodies were from Scandinavia.
> Historians reading the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles to understand when did battles in Europe take place
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> Weapons experts determine the type of weapon that killed the people.
> Archaeologists to find and investigate the field without damaging the grave.
In the case of the Dorset Ridgeway skeletons, total information would not be known if the experts did not come together to work on the grave.
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Thomas Dwight
George Dorsey
Ales Hrdlicka
T. W. Todd
Wilton Krogman – 1939 – article
CILHI – formed 1947
Am Acad Forensic Sciences – formed
Phys Anthro Section – formed 1972
Mildred Trotter T. D. Stewart
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Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo Mary-Claire King, Geneticist
Clyde C. Snow
EAAF (Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team. See also Nafte text)
Wm. (Bill) Maples – Romanov Family
Anna Anderson – “Anastasia”
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