So three random strangers just broke into our place and tried to claim that we're squatting
I have con crud/a cold so I was dozing in bed all day
and I've gotten used of noise of people talking because there's construction going on next door and yeah... they came through the back door, women and two large men
but yeah, different level of noise when they're actually in your house..
had to call the police... now waiting for our actual real estate agent to turn up
going to demand the locks be changed
holy shit that's terrifying
papermint tiger
Holy shit. That would be terrifying
papermint tiger
sounds like they were trying to scare you into leaving or something, the fuck. I hope they step on many legos
They claim we're squatting on their great auntie Pam's place.. we've been here 3 years and apparently they're only checking in now?
papermint tiger
...yeah this feels at the very least like a scam of some kind
well they stuck around long enough to chat with police
papermint tiger
regardless, i hope it all gets cleared up
Zigzag Stampede
They're claiming they just inherited the place from their great uncle who died and one half of the family has illegally sold it to the people who own it now.
Zigzag Stampede
Still gives them no right to see a car in the driveway and use a key to waltz in through the back instead of the front door.
Zigzag Stampede
But also explains why we never got a key to the back door.
papermint tiger
oh boy that sounds extremely complicated
OH that is terrifying.
Even if they are right, why would they just walk in instead of knocking on the door and talk to you.
papermint tiger
right, for real
papermint tiger
that's why i immediately jumped to them doing something shady at best
papermint tiger
that is extremely shady behavior
Holy shit. Are you okay?
They have no fucking right to bust in and just make demands about squatting, like wtf is wrong with them?
Yeah, they didn't knock or try the front door, went straight pass ZZ's car to go to the backdoor and make their way in. They now claim that they door was just open which it definitely was not
but they've been shooed away. Cops and our Real Estate Agent have talked and things will likely be happened in the background regarding who the fuck owes this house
and we are getting locks changed..
ready to rook
what. the. fuck.
ready to rook
that's horrifying
Good call
Zigzag Stampede
I've put a padlock on the back door. Something we've avoided doing as technically it's a fire hazard as now we can't escape out the back.

papermint tiger
yeah for real, until the locks are changed the chance of them trying to come back is a bigger risk
Zigzag Stampede
Considering the cops said they didn't have enough to demand a search of them for the key they used to unlock the door and they started to claim the back door was unlocked.
papermint tiger
THAT is fucking horrifying
Zigzag Stampede
The cop said it really wouldn't take much to break the lock we do have, but with the padlock it will be a clear breaking and entering at that point
papermint tiger
i hope it won't come to that
Zigzag Stampede
The woman was claiming their great auntie has dementia so she's sure that someone got her to sign the house away and sold it without telling the uncle.
papermint tiger
i'm still flabbergasted at them just basically trying to intimidate you out of your house
papermint tiger
even if you were squatting, you have rights
Zigzag Stampede
And that is wrong so she should still get this house as part of her inheritances
Zigzag Stampede
But even if that is the case? YOU DON'T WALTZ IN LIKE THAT.
did you call the REA?
papermint tiger
just because it was left to her in a will means absolutely fuck all if paperwork has been signed
papermint tiger
at the very least it sounds like it would be a long, drawn out case in court to prove it
Zigzag Stampede
Yeah, the REA was on their way over but they've left now to handle tomorrow as it was getting cold out and they didn't want to wait around anymore
Zigzag Stampede
The cops have spoken to the REA and now its in their hands to provide the title and such.

Worst case? Crazy lady is right, but they'll still have to give us notice of eviction to give us time to search for a new place.

Best case? Crazy lady is wrong and she can fuck off.
Hope she's wrong.. which sounds mean but you broke into where I live so fuck her
Zigzag Stampede
And because they'll have to trawl through mountains of paperwork to figure out who is in the right. Nothing that is going to probably happen right away
Zigzag Stampede
I hope she's wrong and this gives the current owners a second thought about ending our lease next year and moving in themselves (LOL)
LOL i hope it's a long drawn out battle that means they can't do anything with the property until it's sorted out
Zigzag Stampede
And in a bit of odd role reversal, Berna was sitting calmly in the window. Watching the police outside talk to the crazy lady as Bea hid behind the couch.
Zigzag Stampede
They both did the thing I would hope they'd do if we did get broken in to which is hunker down and hide. Not bolt from the house. Which is nice to know. Lol
What in the actual fuck
Zigzag Stampede
Usually Bea is the brave one who will sit at a distance and watch while Berna runs to hide
Zigzag Stampede
Also why they have microchips even as strictly indoor only cats.
what the fuck
now that I've said that /reads the rest of the plurk
if you guys don't feel safe I would invite you to sleep here but that's well out of your way
offer's still there tho
Honestly, I don't want to leave the house because then there's noone here should they return
besides I do in fact have a cold so I'm not going anywhere
Zigzag Stampede
They seem to at least understand by the time the cops moved them along that we are not in the wrong - just caught in the middle
Zigzag Stampede
And they understand we're not the people who bought the house. We're just renting.
let's hope they keep their distance then
but jfc
Chriiiiiiiiiiist… Stay safe, you two.
bad bambi
Jesus fucking Christ that’s terrifying.
holy fucking hell. That so nuts.
Holy fuck I'm so glad y'all are okay. Fingers crossed nothing else bad happens while this is sorted out and that y'all don't have to deal with moving anytime soon.
Zigzag Stampede
I have a feeling we'll never really find out what happened
Yeah, I think this is going to be long and drawn out legally for them.
Zigzag Stampede
Considering they went: Huh, someone seems to be living in the house I think I own - I'm just going to waltz in instead of calling the police or something SANE, I doubt they have proper paperwork
Devour Muffin
wow what the actual fuck... I’m glad you’re okay tho
Devour Muffin
Zigzag Stampede
Because I know that's what I'd do. If I inherited a house, went there, saw there were people there, my first thought would not be to go inside. It would be to contact a lawyer -_-
Yeah, I certainly wouldn't just go round the back and find a way in, especially when you don't know if someone is home
which it certainly would have looked it at the time
𝐿𝑎𝑑𝑦 𝑉𝑒𝑥'𝑎ℎ𝑙𝑖𝑎➴
god, what a way to come home to a bunch of chaos. Feel better you two and take comfort in knowing that it will be a long, drawn-out, EXPENSIVE process for them, whether they're right or wrong about this whole thing
Zigzag Stampede
Nu called me as I was on the bus home. So I knew what I was walking into as the cop car went speeding past me with sirens blaring just to stop in front of our place
Zigzag Stampede
It's an interesting story to say the least
Look, I called the cops who advised them to go outside and wait for the officers to come round, then I immeidately called ZZ and then while she was on the line, I used my new business phone to call our real estate agent
(Nod nod) Good.
And seriously, what idiots they were. They had no way of knowing you were two mild-mannered nerds. House could be a gang hideout, for all they knew, and they thought it was safe to just waltz in.
Oh well she did bring two bigger dudes with her which I noticed by the time the cops had turned up the biggest wasn't in sight
Zigzag Stampede
I had her stay on the line with me so I could also call for help if something went wrong
Still, greatly stupid move on their part, even with the size.
Zigzag Stampede
My theory is she came thinking she was going to run into some family members - was ready for that sort of confrontation.

Ended up with a Nu, got flabbergasted, and was willing to try the police way then
Zigzag Stampede
still dumb
wow, ugh. I'm glad you're okay
yeah me in my PJs yelling at them to get the fuck out of my house
Jfc. I'm so glad you're all safe, but what a terrifying damned mess.
Who the fuck just waltzes into a house where people live, even if there are some questionable things? Maybe
papermint tiger
Yeah it definitely sounds like they had this preconception that there would be people they knew and they were intending to shock-and-awe force them out of the house before any action could be taken
papermint tiger
But that... Is a really stupid thing to do at best
papermint tiger
I know you guys don't have guns but for fuck's sake
Zigzag Stampede
Yeah, I'm so glad this isn't America or I'm sure at least one of them would have had a gun. They could still have been armed with a knife, but luckily they weren't. Or at least they didn't take any out
Zigzag Stampede
And they might have gotten a inkling we're nerds as my car has batman and Zelda stickers all over it.

They had to go around it to get to the back door. As I bus into work due to it being so much cheaper
Expected family, found tiny sick and ferocious Nu instead.
Pinky Hood
Jesus fucking christ. I'm glad you're both okay. Fucking insane they thought it was okay to just storm right in without thinking how it could go wrong
Zigzag Stampede
I'm still a little annoyed that the cops didn't have 'enough to search them' considering they got into the house. But I also just get the feeling they didn't believe us that the door was locked securely enough.

But my thoughts are also: it shouldn't matter if we had the door wide open. They entered our home without permission.
It really shouldn't matter past that. Ugh.
Zigzag Stampede
Although, honestly, even if they did search them they could have stashed the key they had already. It wouldn't have been hard to do. I think that was another factor
Zigzag Stampede
A part of me keeps going: what would have happened if I said the words: I want to press charges.

But honestly I'm just as happy for this to be the end of it for us and not have to bother with a court case.
Zigzag Stampede
No one asked us if we wanted to press charges, but I still wonder what might have happened differently if I thought to say it while the cops were there.
Zigzag Stampede
I saw the one cop had a body camera, I'm pretty sure it was on. So if trouble does come up again it will be pretty easy to ask for that where the crazy lady was admitting to entering our home as she thought she had the right to.
papermint tiger
If they were smart, they would have given the key to the guy who took off before the cops arrived
papermint tiger
Absolute insanity, the audacity of that lady
papermint tiger
Tbh it sounds kinda like the cops think you guys know each other and thus it is like. A personal dispute.
papermint tiger
But I am glad they are gone regardless
REA has advised he's not worried about them coming back cause the police told them not to. Like that's really how that works.
This was in response to us asking for the locks to be changed.
He has said he's forwarded the request to the landlords though. Which I normally wouldn't believe but because of what will be a likely legal battle ahead I imagine he has
If they return under any circumstances I might push on to seeing if you have any grounds for pressing charges but right now there's a lot of conflicting testimony in front of the cops.
what the fuck.....
honestly tbh you can change the lock yourself, just keep the original barrel and key and put them back when you leave
from the sounds of it REA doesn't even have the back door key, right?
because you guys never got it
so how will they know lmao
Zigzag Stampede
I'm escalating this to a tribunal and arranging our own lock change in about 40 minutes if our REA doesn't respond. I'm not fucking around with this.
Nor should you. The fact that they are shows negligence on their part.
papermint tiger
They are taking this way too lightly
Zigzag Stampede
Several phone calls later, we now have a job agreement with the REA to have the locks replaced. 🙃
Zigzag Stampede
I am livid that this wasn't cut and dry.
Zigzag Stampede
Sadly not surprised. Still livid
papermint tiger
good fucking god
papermint tiger
i'm glad you convinced them to do it, but yeah. you shouldn't have HAD TO
God what morons. Sure, let the people who know where you live and were willing to do lord knows what to force you out come back whenever they like. A padlock on the back door will be fine, right~?
The handyman who was assigned the job smsed me to arrange to come tomorrow morning but apparently he will only be doing the screen doors. He is not authorised to do the big door which is irritating but it's a start.
......................... I... do your screen doors HAVE locks? I mean I guess it's something but.... shouldn't he have been GIVEN permission to do the big door?
And if they were really determined, couldn't they just... cut through the screen and insert their still-working key in the lock?
wow i totally missed this, wtf?! /backreading.......
okay nowhere near as bad as i thought sounds like a family dispute and they won't bother YOU again but yeah if the house was sold it was no longer auntie's and the will was outdated, i don't think she has a leg to stand on
Zigzag Stampede
The screens here are metal - hard to cut through
Zigzag Stampede
And the key they have is to the metal screen door. The big door has never had a proper lock on it.
𝓟𝓮𝓸𝓷𝔂🌸𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 clearly they've forgotten something off their orders and yeah the screens have locks atm but thats what they had a key for. The back door doesn't technically have a lock.. it has like a catch and usually a hole through it.. now it's a padlock..
cluelessnu like this but not as thick
Zigzag Stampede
Initially when we moved in we decided not to padlock it due to the fact that if there is ever a fire - means we won't be able to get out the back very easily
ȡ𝓲𝘴ą𝘴𝓽є𝓻 yeah even if a family did something dodgy, it's still been sold for years..
Zigzag Stampede
Which is why they were able to use the key to the back screen door and just waltz in.
like from what i can find.. 2004 years ago.. and has been rented out since 2018
Zigzag Stampede
So the padlock is back as that is now a bigger concern then a fire.
if there's a fire i'll just break a window at this point
Zigzag Stampede
Even the cops said the latch we put the padlock on won't really stop anyone as it's just one half decent shoulder slam from being broken off the door. So that's comforting
Great... any chance you can light a bigger fire under their asses?
Zigzag Stampede
But it's okay guys. The cops told them not to come back so it's fiiiiiine. We're just being annoying tenants for demanding the locks get changed immediately
Zigzag Stampede
Literally what the landlord said as their reason for initially saying no to our request to change the locks
Because people breaking in always follow what the officer told them not to do.
God, what morons.
Think you can take it to a tribunal again?
Zigzag Stampede
I haven't raised it to a tribunal. I spoke to them and there's an $85 dollar fee for taking them to a tribunal and basically they'd get us the same results we just got: the locks replaced
Zigzag Stampede
So I haven't raised it. It would just be a waste of money. 🙃 Because what are renter rights. We're not people. We're just money giving machines
Well fuck them. How much money would it be to change the main locks out of pocket? I don't mind wiring it to you.
Ah its not the money. It's how much trouble we'd get into for changing something on the property. Rental laws are rather different. We can't even hang picture frames without asking
In this case it'd be a permanent change to a door
(Sigh) Stay safe, okay?
Hell getting the lock is cheaper than the tribunal fee. It's just how much trouble it'll cause in the future. Do we get labelled as problems and have problems getting a new rental in the future
Seriously, what the hell? You guys should be allowed to feel safe in your own home.
Yeah landlords having too much power is a real problem here. We have a huge housing crisis in Australia atm
Zigzag Stampede
Yeah, I spent nearly 2 hours on the phone with different legal advice teams for renters and their answers were the same:

Wow, that landlord sounds fucked up. Sadly you legally can't change the locks unless they agree that you can. Have you tried contacting a tribunal?
Zigzag Stampede
And when I say: yeah, and they're going to charge me $85 dollars to do anything and it will probably take anywhere between 30 to 90 days to resolve.

They were all: yup. Sounds about right. Good luck to you.
Zigzag Stampede
And then they would rattle off that if I'm on center link that maybe that fee could eventually be reimbursed. Maybe
Zigzag Stampede
(MAJOR oversimplification of Center link - our version of unemployment)
Of which neither of us qualify for anyway
papermint tiger
what a crock of shit
papermint tiger
i'm so annoyed about these people acting like this is either some kind of silly personal dispute or that YOU were the ones in the wrong (for leaving your door unlocked)
papermint tiger
and acting like they're not going to come back because the police said they can't... they do know that people break laws all the time, right?
papermint tiger
recently someone said something that's so true, it was something like 'the law is just an idea, that's why so many people get away with breaking it'
Zigzag Stampede
Locks have been changed.
good [approve]
Zigzag Stampede
I am still very upset that no one seems to be taking this overly seriously, but at least they don't have a key to come waltzing in anymore. If they try it again it will be clear Breaking and Entering.

No grey area for a third party to question on if they were allowed to have the key or not.
Zigzag Stampede
At least not while we're renting the place
Oof. Yeah, one less thing at the moment
And the fact that you have a signed contract with a licensed agent means that to the best of due diligence you took residence in proper order.